Complete example | nine boards and one drawing on the construction site are not required

Paragraph 2 of article 3.2.4 of the standard for safety inspection of building construction (jgj59-2011) stipulates the basic layout of “five boards and one map”, which is as follows: (1) public signs should be set at the gate, mainly including: Project Overview board, fire protection board, safety production board, civilized construction board, list of management personnel, supervision telephone board, and general layout of the construction site; (2) Signs shall be standardized, neat and unified; (3) There should be safety slogans on the construction site; (4) There should be bulletin boards, newspaper reading boards and blackboard newspapers.

Generally speaking, “six cards and one picture” is to add on-site access system signs, “seven cards and one picture” is to add hazard warning signs.

At the same time, the construction site can choose more detailed layout methods according to different local regulations or the situation of the project itself, such as “six cards and one drawing”, “seven cards and one drawing”, “nine cards and one drawing”, etc.

Lifting Anchor

Safety bulletin board, project overview board, list of management personnel, supervision telephone board, safety production discipline board, safety production technology board, ten safety measures board, fire protection board, health notice board, environmental protection board, construction site layout plan..

The content of “nine boards and one map” is relatively more comprehensive, mainly including: safety publicity board, project overview board, list of management personnel and supervision telephone board, safety production discipline board, safety production technology board, ten safety measures board, fire protection board, health notice board, environmental protection board, and construction site layout plan.

Some need to set up two drawings, plus the layout plan of fire-fighting facilities.